Hospice Eligibility

APRIL 2024

Hospice care is designed to provide comfort and support for individuals facing life-limiting illnesses with the primary goal of hospice to enhance the quality of life for patients and their families.

First and foremost, a physician must certify that the patient has a terminal illness with a life expectancy of six months or less. This prognosis is based on the normal course of the illness, and individuals may continue to receive hospice care beyond six months if their condition persists.

Furthermore, patients must choose to forgo curative treatments aimed at curing their illness. Hospice care is not focused on curing the disease; instead, it prioritizes managing symptoms and providing emotional and spiritual support.

The decision to enter hospice is a personal one, and individuals should be informed and involved in the decision-making process. A patient’s comfort, dignity, and overall well-being become the central focus of hospice care.

To learn more about hospice qualification, or any of our services, contact us at 402-403-4330.

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